Welcome to Dream Machines!

TO OUR FRIENDS, old and new, we say welcome back to our beautiful coastside, thanks for your support, and have a most wonderful time here.

We're delighted beyond measure to be presenting our show that our tenacious team is striving to make the biggest and best ever!

The show is not only fun for display vehicle registrants and spectators, it also benefits our Coastside senior community members.

Each year the Coastside Adult Day Health Center uses all the proceeds to preserve existing programs and, in some cases, to establish new ones.

Thanks in part to your support, we opened the Coastside Adult Community Center in 2014. Drop by the beautiful facility at 925 Main Street in Half Moon Bay.

The amazing band of volunteers working behind the scenes hope you enjoy this year's show. Please tell your friends about it and join us each year on the last Sunday of April.

Drive Safely,
Frank Besnyi, Chairman
Kevin Palmer, Chairman

Bob Senz on stage at the 27th annual show

Show Founder, the late great Bob Senz onstage at the 27th annual show

Special Thanks

CADHC gratefully acknowledges the support and leadership of:

Show Chairmen Frank Besnyi and Kevin Palmer, and all of the dedicated volunteers, participants, exhibitors, sponsors, attendees and all those showing and sharing their magnificent machines…a big thank you!

To Our Volunteers

On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and most importantly, participants of the Coastside Adult Day Health Center, thank you for volunteering your time during the Pacific Coast Dream Machines. This event is a critical source of funds to support our program costs. It is because of people like you, our volunteers, that this event is such a remarkable success.

The costs of providing our participants with the real needs they require to maintain optimum independence, are more than most can afford to pay. The profits from this event provide us with the means to assist those participants that need it, keeping them close to family and friends and in the community many of them helped to build. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

Janie Bono, CADHC Executive Director